Thursday, 10 June 2010

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Freelance agency

I was told by a runner i worked with last summer to sign up to this website for runners positions. I have now subscribed to the website, and have found animation opportunities as well.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


My first feature on a blog:
I received an email from Chalupa, asking if my dvd box set was for sale in stores, although I had to say it wasn't and was only for the purposes of my degree. I was made up to find my work on the lebowski podcast

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Personal Ident

Jack Cook Ident with sound

Jack Cook Ident with sega themed music

Jack Cook Ident with Optimus Awesome Sound


Sega Parody

I feel that this ident is too blatant, the link between Sega and my ident works best when its abit more subtle, also the Sega type face looks horrible when it says anything other than Sega.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Storyboard Development

After talking to Jane about my PPD and discussing the designs of my Storyboard templates, i re-designed them and plan to use this format for all my storyboards.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Monday, 15 March 2010

Floyd Peltier

Floyd attempted to get in touch with me through youtube and then through my uni, when i got his message we spoke on the phone and organised the creation of his new logo. I Completed the logo within a week and on the following Sunday 14th March I handed him a CD containing 2 designs, each in EPS, JPEG, TIFF and PNG file formats. The Logo development can be found on my final major project blog, or through this link:
I received £60 for the job, Floyd also asked if i could make him a website, but i had to turn the offer down, i told Floyd he would be better off getting some one who specialised in websites, but offered my services as a video editor, to which he said he would be in touch in the future. It was odd working one on one with the client trying to achieve exactly what he wanted but i enjoyed the experience.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

FBH Incite

On an aesthetic note I really love this image, especially the take on the hammer and sickle being replaced by a mouse and a pen.

FBH Incite are a company which i came across while looking for the creators of the BUPA TV Adverts. There website has a brilliant flash layout which can be navigated with their hand based box or by simply clicking from link to link. In terms of their design beliefs/work ethic i think they have similar ideals to my own. And I have contacted them in an attempt to arrange a work placement or even just a meeting to see were they are based.

Response From FBH Incite