Wednesday, 18 November 2009


These are some test designs for a method of displaying my work, either screen shots or storyboards in a printed medium. I think that it is important to have my own way of displaying/branding my work. These examples are for finished piece display, through out the development processes of my work i will use a different standardized layout which i have not yet designed, but will blog as soon as i have.

Landscape with small concept box.

I think it will be useful to have a portrait method of display as well as landscape. It may one day be more appropriate, generally i would use a landscape layout as my frames can be bigger that way.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Holographic Business Card

As I want to specialize in motion graphics it seems only fitting to develop a business card that moves. I have enquired about Lenticular Printing (Holograms) and plan on producing a 2 frame business card. As this will be quite costly i am not rushing the design, and i will update this blog with its development.

Print Based Promo

The Print Based Promo was a brief set by the course to present 5 examples of your work as a promotional package, including business cards and any identity/branding pieces you wished.
As my work is mainly digital i wanted to present 5 moving image pieces on a dvd.

Promo Packaging and business card ideas
DVD Packaging Design
Possible Illustrations

Final Illustration
Logo Development
I chose this logo because i wanted to seem approachable and show the humor in my work, also the simplicity of the design would make it easy to change colour or even illustration but by keeping the same theme, they would remain a set.
DVD Packaging Net

Business card print

DVD Vinyl Sticker

Promo Pack With Business Card